Sentence example with the word 'gayer'


Last update: September 14, 2015


The first volume published of his posthumous works was the exquisite and splendid Thedtre en liberte, a sequence if not a symphony of seven poems in dramatic form, tragic or comic or fanciful eclogues, incomparable with the work of any other man but the author of The Tempest and The Winter's Tale in combination and alternation of gayer and of graver harmonies.   [Please select]


On went the exulting voice after the new rhymes, gayer and yet more gay.   [Please select]


Thou wouldst confess that even Renard's garden can show no gayer scene.   [Please select]


Nothing could be gayer than the aspect of this camp as the party rode into it.   [Please select]


"If mine is sad, I shall but look the gayer for the contrast."   [Please select]


He seemed to have grown much brighter and gayer of mood in this past twelvemonth.   [Please select]


Belvedere Bay was gayer than ever this year, Mrs.   [Please select]


A funeral march would be gayer than that music, I should think.   [Please select]


It had been Willy Cameron who had brought to it its gayer moments, Willy determinedly cheerful, slamming doors and whistling; Willy racing up the stairs with something hot for Mrs.   [Please select]


But when she glanced at the dish again it was covered with all sorts of nice things to eat, and the Queen made a very good dinner, and was gayer than usual over it.   [Please select]

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gayals - gayer - gayest