Sentence example with the word 'gallies'


Last update: June 16, 2015


In September 1096 "to go with their gallies to Eastern parts in order to set free the path to the Lord's Sepulchre."   [Please select]


Bring out the pillories, whipping-posts, gallies (=galleys), rods, and axes (which are _ratio ultima cleri_, a clergyman's last argument, ay and his first too), and pull in pieces all the Trading Corporations, those nests of Faction and Sedition.   [Please select]


Manilla is vvel planted and inhabited with Spaniards, to the number of sixe or seuen hundred persons: vvhich dvvell in a tovvne vnvvalled, which hath three or foure Blocke-houses, part made of vvood, and part of stone, being indeed of no great strength: they haue one or tvvo small Gallies belonging to the Tovvne.   [Please select]

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gallicized - gallies - galligaskins