Sentence example with the word 'galea'


Definition n. an organ shaped like a helmet

Last update: August 7, 2015


- This tribe includes beetles of carnivorous habit with five segments on every foot, simple thread-like feelers with none of the segments enlarged to form club or pectination, and the outer lobs (galea) of the first maxilla usually two-segmented and palpiform (fig.   [Please select]


Valve or Valvulae: the expanded plate-like galea of the maxilla in many Hymenoptera.   [Please select]


Lobes: of the maxilla; see galea (outer) and lacinia (inner): of the mentum in Coleoptera, are the lateral expansions shielding the base of the central organs.   [Please select]


Mala maxillae: the globes of maxilla; outer or galea, inner or lacinia; where only one is present, the term refers to that one.   [Please select]

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