Sentence example with the word 'fustic'


Last update: October 21, 2015


Others (in addition to some already mentioned) are medicinal; as the palms, calabash, manchineel, pepper, fustic and a long list of cathartics, caustics, emetics, astringents, febrifuges, vermifuges, diuretics and tonics.   [Please select]


Some are coloured bodies, such as fustic, logwood, Persian berries, Anthracene yellow, etc.   [Please select]


This method is more particularly applicable to such dye-stuffs as camwood, cutch, logwood, madder, fustic, etc.   [Please select]


This includes such dyes as logwood, fustic, madder, alizarine, and all the dyes derived from anthracene.   [Please select]


Then of wood colours we have further: quercitron, Persian berries, fustic and the tannins or tannic acids, comprising extracts, barks, fruits, and gallnuts, with also leaves and twigs, as with sumac.   [Please select]


Among the forest products rubber, fustic, divi-divi,[64] and tonka beans, the last used as a perfume, are the only ones of value.   [Please select]

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fustians - fustic - fusty