Sentence example with the word 'furioso'


Last update: October 4, 2015


About the same time he commenced, at the desire of the ruler of the neighbouring Shirvan, his second romantic poem, the famous Bedouin love-story of Laila and Majnun, which has so many points in common with Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, and finished it in the short space of four months.   [Please select]


Ariosto, 1474-1533, poet (Orlando Furioso).   [Please select]


Claims Roland in guise of Orlando, Orlando Furioso, Orlando Innamorato, 121 J JERUSALEM.   [Please select]


Cuando llegó al bosque, salió el jabalí, furioso de rabia y de hambre.   [Please select]


Much Ado About Nothing, a Comedy; for the plot see Ariosto's Orlando Furioso.   [Please select]


Furioso el Cadí mandó a un esclavo a cambiar el calzado, y encerró en la cárcel al avaro Tamburí.   [Please select]


Though Chaucer was his beloved master, his ambition was not to rival the Canterbury Tales, but rather to express the dream of English chivalry, much as Ariosto had done for Italy in Orlando Furioso.   [Please select]

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furies - furioso - furious