Sentence example with the word 'furbishing'


Last update: September 20, 2015


The master smith, benempt, as his sign intimated, John Mucklewrath, with two assistants, toiled busily in arranging, repairing, and furbishing old muskets, pistols, and swords, which lay scattered around his workshop in military confusion.   [Please select]


But first I would ask, why went that knight and the lady and the dwarf just now into the town, and why is there so much furbishing of arms there.   [Please select]


That night, with great labour, Sanders, furbishing his rusty Latin, and filling in gaps, made a translation: "Marius and Augustus, Centurions of Nero, Csar and Emperor, Sleep sweetly with the gods."   [Please select]


Before the glance and voice of authority he would, metaphorically, pace away; pausing to blink up at some object that attracted his attention or to interest himself in the furbishing of flank or chest.   [Please select]


The colonel of the guard rose, and began furbishing his armour--but gave it over to the page, and staggered across to the barracks, which were in the next street.   [Please select]


CHAPTER XIII PROUD DAYS FOR THE OLD HALL Of course the queen's approaching visit threw Haddon Hall into a frenzy of scrubbing and furbishing.   [Please select]

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furbished - furbishing - furcate