Sentence example with the word 'furbish'


adorn, buff, doll up, fig out, glaze, polish up, prink up, renovate, sandblast, slick down, touch up

Definition v. polish and make shiny

Last update: August 3, 2015


As the country districts could yield nothing more, it became necessary to demand money from the Parisians and from the citizens of the various towns, and to search out and furbish up old disused edictsedicts as to measures and scales of pricesat the very moment when the luxury and corruption of the parvenus was insulting the poverty and suffering of the people, and exasperating all those officials who took their functions seriously.   [Please select]


I couldn't give the finest loyalty and comradeship I had to give to a man, have it returned disdainfully, and then furbish up the pieces and present it over again.   [Please select]


We are just beginning to drag them out of the dust and furbish them up and pretend they are ours, just as people rub up and adorn themselves with jewels dug out of excavations.   [Please select]


Harness was to be repaired and furbished up, the big carriage and the old phaeton were to be put in order, and Master Ughtred's cart was to be given new paint and springs.   [Please select]


Which of us does not begin to furbish up his pedigree when he is made a peer of the realm.   [Please select]


To look at the matter in this light simplified his own case and surprisingly furbished up all the dim domestic virtues.   [Please select]


"Why, mainly for comfort," I answered; "and while I am wearing them I am having my uniform, such as it is, furbished up and cleaned a bit."   [Please select]


Jupiter sent off his thunderbolt to a noted coppersmith to have it furbished up for the direful occasion.   [Please select]


As soon as they could furbish up their helmets and shields, therefore, and gird on their trusty swords, they came thronging to Iolchos, and clambered on board the new galley.   [Please select]


She wore an odd little vizored cap of white leghorn, which may either have been the latest thing in children's hats, or some bit of ancient finery furbished up for the occasion.   [Please select]

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furbelows - furbish - furbished