Sentence example with the word 'functionally'


Definition adv. with respect to function

Last update: October 6, 2015


The innumerable cases of structures, which are rudimentary and apparently useless, in species, the close allies of which possess well-developed and functionally important homologous structures, are readily intelligible on the theory of evolution, while it is hard to conceive their raison.   [Please select]


Naudin's observations[902] on Mirabilis, that it would be functionally effective.   [Please select]


But when the movements of rotation of the forearm do not exist, the inferior extremity of the ulna becomes functionally useless and disappears.   [Please select]


These five variables are functionally interrelated, and have co-evolved in each species to form a unique adaptive unit that regulates body temperature and energy balance throughout each annual cycle.   [Please select]

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functional - functionally - functionaries