2) (P. vulgare) is widely diffused in the British Isles, where it is found on walls, banks, trees, &c.; the creeping, densely-scaly rootstock bears deeply pinnately cut fronds, the fertile ones bearing on the back. [noun]
(The fronds and spaces of the wallpaper file rapidly across country.) [Please select]
All along the bluffs were cocoanut-palms, magnificent, waving their green fronds in the breeze. [Please select]
Ferns, in some instances, grow to spreading trees, with graceful drooping fronds. [Please select]
Cedar fronds were dropped on the stones, causing a perfume to arise. [Please select]
[Footnote 1: _Cajan_ is the local term for the plaited fronds of a coco-nut. [Please select]
It is especially thick and luxuriant on the fronds of our common _Fucus vesiculosus_. [Please select]
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