The Mexicans were also skilful makers of earthen pots, in which were cooked the native beans called by the Spanish frijoles, and the various savoury stews still in vogue. [Please select]
SW Fort Kobbe, KU 96015-25; *Frijoles, MCZ 19208; *Bamboa, MCZ 21507; *8. [Please select]
Two of the men carried earthen platters filled with frijoles, a single tortilla in each platter. [Please select]
They had used the wild fruits in abundance, always economizing strictly with their tortillas and frijoles. [Please select]
"Not a hitch so far," answered the surveyor; and Tex drawled: "Coffee and frijoles ready, Mr." [Please select]
Another hundred yards and he saw crouched in an angle of the street an old woman who offered tortillas and frijoles for sale. [Please select]
"I will take these, my mother," he said in Mexican, and leaning over he snatched up half a dozen gloriously hot tortillas and frijoles. [Please select]
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