Sentence example with the word 'frights'


Last update: July 27, 2015


It may be but an idle whim, but it has always seemed to me, that the extraordinary vacillations of movement displayed by some whales when beset by three or four boats; the timidity and liability to queer frights, so common to such whales; I think that all this indirectly proceeds from the helpless perplexity of volition, in which their divided and diametrically opposite powers of vision must involve them.   [Please select]


Madame Magloire alone had frights from time to time.   [Please select]


But there was always work to do, and odd incidents, and frights, and responsibilities.   [Please select]


"It almost frights me to go under those shores."   [Please select]


"Art thou a green-eyed, carrot-faced put, who frights all the women with his ill looks."   [Please select]


"'T is so akin to last summer that it frights me."'   [Please select]


We are very proud of you though you gave us great frights.   [Please select]


But in spite of his frights, Whitefoot kept on.   [Please select]


Of course, it seemed longer because of the constant frights which came one right after another.   [Please select]


If you and I had as many real frights in a year, not to mention false frights, as Whitefoot has in a day, we would, I suspect, lose our minds.   [Please select]


_The Just Devil of Woodstock, or a true narrative of the severall apparitions, the frights and punishments inflicted upon the Rumpish commissioners sent thither to survey the manors and houses belonging to His Majesty.   [Please select]

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frighting - frights - frigid