Sentence example with the word 'freest'


Last update: June 12, 2015


By training and temperament he was better qualified to appreciate and describe the social life of the people than their physical surroundings, and if the results of his great journey are disappointing to the geographer, his account of the society of the oasis towns, and of the remarkable men who were then ruling in Hail and Riad, must always possess an absorbing interest as a portrait of Arab life in its freest development.   [Please select]


In him the freest abandonment is united with the precision of a geometer.   [Please select]


Public feeling was plainly in favor of the freest political expression,[2] which was eventually conceded.   [Please select]


There was a sweet disorder in the hair, which indeed was prettiest when freest.   [Please select]


And then he added, in a let-down sort of way: "Freest man I ever saw."   [Please select]


The betting was freest and the wagers highest on Hippias and the team belonging to Iphicrates.   [Please select]


In fact, it is the pleasantest and freest of mental movements.   [Please select]

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freesias - freest - freestone