Sentence example with the word 'frailties'


Last update: June 13, 2015


Dr Warton, in his observations upon Pope's line, "Unthought-of frailties cheat us in the wise," says, "Who could imagine that Locke was fond of romances; that Newton once studied astrology; that Dr Clarke valued himself on his agility, and frequently amused himself in a private room of his house in leaping over the tables and chairsĀ ?"   [Please select]


They had overcome their natural sympathy with human frailties and affections.   [Please select]


Marigold is a very fine fellow, but occasionally he manifests human frailties that are truly abominable.   [Please select]


Other people fattened on the frailties of human nature.   [Please select]


He seemed like one who stands above all ordinary human frailties and emotions.   [Please select]


One another these beauties might tolerate, knowing one another's frailties as they did; yet the elegance, the disdain, the indifference of this newcomer--this they could not support.   [Please select]


Contemptuous enough, perhaps too contemptuous, of human frailties, he at least knew how to make them entertaining, and his urbane irony dissolved pretentious egoism.   [Please select]

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frails - frailties - frailty