Sentence example with the word 'fosterage'


abetment, advocacy, aegis, auspices, backing, care, championship, charity, countenance, encouragement, favor, goodwill, guidance, interest, patronage, seconding, sponsorship, sympathy, tutelage

Definition n. encouragement

Last update: June 27, 2015


Fosterage, the custom of sending children to be reared and educated in the families of fellow-clansmen, was so prevalent, especially among the wealthy classes, and the laws governing it are so elaborate and occupied such a large space, that some mention of it here is inevitable.   [Please select]


Marriage and fosterage between the English and Irish are forbidden, and declared to be high treason.   [Please select]


Black Colin's Youth Sir Nigel Campbell, as all Highland chiefs did, sent his son to a farmer's family for fosterage.   [Please select]

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foster - fosterage - fostered