Sentence example with the word 'fossorial'


Definition adj. (of limbs and feet) adapted for digging

Last update: September 18, 2015


There may be said to be three or four different modes of life in these larvae: some are fossorial, and form tubes in the mud or clay in which they live; others are found on or beneath stones; while others again swim and crawl freely among water plants.   [Please select]


Fossorial: formed for or with the habit of digging or burrowing.   [Please select]


Sub-fossorial: legs used in digging: yet not greatly modified.   [Please select]


Vexhillum: in Hymenoptera, an expansion on the tip of tarsi of certain fossorial groups.   [Please select]


--This fossorial species has been collected in northern El Petén and in Alta Verapaz.   [Please select]


Ecologically the fauna is divided into five major habitats--aquatic, aquatic margin, fossorial, terrestrial, and arboreal.   [Please select]


Beginning with the rainforest, we find only one fossorial species, _Gymnopis mexicanus_.   [Please select]


In the semi-arid scrub forest the same fossorial species as exist in the savannas are found.   [Please select]


6) tends to strengthen the nasal region; this anterior strengthening may be a reflection of the fossorial habits of these snakes.   [Please select]


He goes on to add: "The anterior limbs are decidedly fossorial, and the hinder suited for walking in a sub-plantigrade manner; both wholly unfitted for rapatory or scansorial purposes."   [Please select]

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