Sentence example with the word 'fossilization'


Definition n. the process of fossilizing a plant or animal that existed in some earlier age

Last update: August 4, 2015


The process of fossilization is very long.   [Please select]


This is partly due to the fact that many important forms must have escaped fossilization altogether owing to their small size and delicate structure, while very many of those actually preserved are known only from the carapace or shell, the limbs being absent or represented only by indecipherable fragments.   [Please select]


To evoking the instincts of bygone ages, which have not been preserved by fossilization.   [Please select]


Besides complete mineralization, or petrifaction, there are numerous cases of incomplete or semi-fossilization, where modern objects, still retaining their phosphate of lime and some animal matter even, are found buried in rock.   [Please select]

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fossilised - fossilization - fossilize