Sentence example with the word 'forums'


Last update: September 16, 2015


She was a brilliant hacker and familiar enough with the underground internet forums to find him new hunting grounds and blood exchanges.   [Please select]


Columns, proportions of, in colonnades, 154; in forums, 132; in basilicas, 132; Corinthian, 102; diminution in top of, 84 _f.   [Please select]


For the names of individual arches, basilicas, catacombs, churches, forums, palaces, piazzas, statues, streets, temples, tombs, and villas, see the headings, _Arch, Basilica, Catacombs, Churches_, etc.   [Please select]


The meetings of the local Granges were forums in which the members trained themselves in public speaking and parliamentary practice.   [Please select]

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forum - forums - forward