Sentence example with the word 'forelady'


Definition n. a woman who is foreperson of a jury

Last update: July 18, 2015


The next day Marija went to see her "forelady," and was told to report the first of the week, and learn the business of can-painter.   [Please select]


Mary had had consumption, and all day long you might hear her coughing as she worked; of late she had been going all to pieces, and when Marija came, the "forelady" had suddenly decided to turn her off.   [Please select]


The forelady had to come up to a certain standard herself, and could not stop for sick people, Jadvyga explained.   [Please select]


So in the end Ona, with a ten-dollar bill burning a hole in her palm, had another interview with the forelady.   [Please select]


Ona had an idea that her "forelady" did not like to have her girls marry--perhaps because she was old and ugly and unmarried herself.   [Please select]


The next time she would know her place, as the forelady expressed it; and so Marija went out, and the family faced the problem of an existence again.   [Please select]

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foreknown - forelady - foreland