Sentence example with the word 'foreboded'


Last update: June 24, 2015


In the Danubian campaign of 1809 he succeeded; but the stubborn defence of Austria, the heroic efforts of the Tirolese and the spasmodic efforts which foreboded a national rising in Germany, showed that the whole aspect of affairs was changing, even in central Europe, where rulers and peoples had hitherto been as wax under the impress of his will.   [Please select]


To strike a match in the dark, unexpected news and fortune is foreboded.   [Please select]


He awoke from these unrefreshing slumbers with a feverish impulse, and a heart which foreboded disaster.   [Please select]


The reigns of Elizabeth of England and Isabella of Castile foreboded this era.   [Please select]


It seemed that Fingal recognized it also, and knew the evil that it foreboded.   [Please select]


The enemy whom I foreboded has wrought us woe.   [Please select]


"I'm afraid I'll forget mine and get stuck," foreboded Felix.   [Please select]


"I'm afeared we're going to have an airly winter," foreboded Cousin Sophia.   [Please select]


I spoke when I thought speech was needed, and spoke strongly; for my heart foreboded that which was to come upon us too soon and too surely.   [Please select]


His supporters packed the great convention hall, and when his name was put in nomination, there followed a riot of cheers, which lasted the better part of an hour, and foreboded his success.   [Please select]

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