Sentence example with the word 'forbode'


Last update: August 17, 2015


He wouldn't lie down, and when he did, it was with a _grump_ of protest that seemed to forbode failure.   [Please select]


If Miss Cornelia Bryant had seen me she would have forboded a gloomy prospect for poor young Dr.   [Please select]


Then did many forbode evil for me.   [Please select]


To these glowing words of promise and glory the boy never replied, but he lay without the least sign of discontent or murmuring until the ninth day, when he addressed his father as follows: "My father, my dreams forbode evil."   [Please select]


Beware of either concave or convex telescopically or microscopically drawn pictures of yourself or others, as they forbode evil.   [Please select]


On her return, she was cordially welcomed by Fan and myself; but when she rushed upstairs to the room of her best friend (then confined to her bed), my mind forboded mischief.   [Please select]


Martin, who watched her from the nursery window, began to shake her head gravely, and to say that such mirth was not "fey" as she expressed it, and that it surely forbode a season of gloom by-and-by.   [Please select]

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forbids - forbode - forboded