She'd gotten to the conference room when she heard soft footfalls behind her. [Please select]
There was no variation in his soft and even footfalls. [Please select]
His cautious footfalls on the stairs made clear his intention not to waken her. [Please select]
On the steps, a carpet, thick and heavy, muffled his footfalls. [Please select]
Nervous, annoyed, he paced the floor from wall to wall, his footfalls silenced by heavy rugs. [Please select]
He swung round and without attempting to muffle his footfalls strode toward the companionway. [Please select]
New footfalls grew distinct, whether one or more the listeners could not make out. [Please select]
I heard a rustling, the sound of very light footfalls, and I see the cause. [Please select]
She heard the sound of mustangs' teeth on grass, and the soft footfalls of the men. [Please select]
There came into the corridor a murmur of voices, and there was audible also the sound of a man's footfalls approaching along the flags. [Please select]
Outside his door he heard knockings and cries, and impatient footfalls, but neither he nor the impassive Swiss paid to these the least attention. [Please select]
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