Wallace's studies of island life, and the work of many different observers on local races of animals and plants, marine, fluviatile and terrestrial, have brought about a conception of segregation as apart from differences of environment as being one of the factors in the differentiation of living forms. [Please select]
Dohrn will shortly appear in his intended work upon the land and fluviatile shells of Ceylon. [Please select]
Anderson is a purely fluviatile animal, which apparently never goes out to sea. [Please select]
The Mollusca, especially the lacustrine and fluviatile, have been most imperfectly investigated; and of the land-shells, a large proportion have yet to be submitted to scientific examination. [Please select]
* * * * * The shells now arranged under the kindred genera of _Unio_ and _Anodon_ are exclusively fluviatile, or inhabitants of fresh water, and are dispersed both in the old and the new world. [Please select]
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