Sentence example with the word 'flails'


Last update: September 14, 2015


It can seldom be obtained in large portions, and has the disadvantage of being apt to warp; its great hardness, however, renders it valuable for the manufacture of various articles, such as the cogs of mill-wheels, flails and mallets, and handles of hammers.   [Please select]


Their clubs fly like flails.   [Please select]


Under their trampling the earth trembles like a floor beaten with flails.   [Please select]


It wur like a beatin' of ther earth with flails by threshers you couldn't see.'   [Please select]


Two of the men were armed with muskets, and all three carried flails.   [Please select]


His seed was sown by hand; his hay was cut with scythes; his grain was reaped with sickles, and threshed on the barn floor with flails in the hands of his slaves.   [Please select]


The granary yielded a pair of fanners, half a dozen riddles, measures for corn, a pile of sacks, and some ancient flails.   [Please select]

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flailing - flails - flair