Sentence example with the word 'fizzing'


Definition adj. hissing and bubbling

Last update: July 20, 2015


This discharge, which is identical with the " brush " discharge of laboratory experiments, usually appears as a tip of light on the extremities of pointed objects such as church towers, the masts of ships, or even the fingers of the outstretched hand: it is commonly accompanied by a crackling or fizzing noise.   [Please select]


SUSY: Mamma, the beeftea is fizzing over.   [Please select]


The great log upon the hearth was spluttering and fizzing.   [Please select]


And the egg-saucepan is there all 'andy, and the kettle fizzing and sputtering.'   [Please select]


From the spot where the body lay came a fierce fizzing and cracking sound, which ceased, however, before the fumes had cleared away.   [Please select]


That word, that name over the music hall, fizzing and crackling in its hundred lights, seemed to hold him as by an eye of fire.   [Please select]

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fizzes - fizzing - fizzle