Sentence example with the word 'fistful'


Definition n. the quantity that can be held in the hand

Last update: October 27, 2015


He threw a fistful of dirt on him during their fight.   [Please select]


He took her arms and sat her in a chair, handed her a fistful of tissues, and knelt.   [Please select]


That was my fault; only I couldn't be changing it every time he soaked up a fistful of earth in his endeavor to wash something to eat out of it.   [Please select]


Taking a fistful of the mass, Apporo placed it in another _pahake_, and kneaded it for a long time with her fingers, using oil from crushed cocoanuts as a lubricant.   [Please select]


He threw a fistful of gold besants on the flags, turned his horse sharply and cantered out of the yard.   [Please select]


And it's all paid for, and I got more 'n a hundred dollars left, besides givin' Joey a fistful o' money jest for bein' a good feller.   [Please select]


Septimus bent down to examine the tooth, and the baby clutched a tiny fistful of upstanding hair as a reaper clutches a handful of wheat.   [Please select]

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fisted - fistful - fistic