Sentence example with the word 'festering'


abscess, boil, chancroid, fester, gleet, leukorrhea, peccant humor, pus, running, stigma, ulceration

Definition n. (medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or a vesicle and the discharge of pus

Last update: June 22, 2015


The earth was considered in ancient times a cure for old festering wounds, and for the bite of poisonous snakes.   [Please select]


The wound in his shoulder was festering and he was in a high fever.   [Please select]


It is from the festering humiliations of peoples that arrogant religious propagandas spring.   [Please select]


"For the festering core of imperialism that darkens its beauty with sable wing--no."   [Please select]


Naples, breeding, teeming, laughing, fighting, festering, city of music, city of fever and death.   [Please select]


"He regards them as vermin to be left to languish and die of their festering wounds."   [Please select]


The boy's right arm was a loathsome sight, festering from a neglected wound.   [Please select]


The festering sore demanded drastic treatment,--the surgeon's knife.   [Please select]


The rage for wild-life slaughter is far more prevalent to-day throughout the world than it was in 1872, when the buffalo butchers paved the prairies of Texas and Colorado with festering carcasses.   [Please select]


The long-threatened holocaust had come, and he had to act, to smite, to strike sure and swift at the festering root of things, or Central India was lost.   [Please select]

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