Sentence example with the word 'fertilizer'


Definition n. any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile

Last update: July 28, 2015


Though it is probably destined to be used even more extensively as a fertilizer before the demand for it as a feeding stuff becomes equal to the supply, practically all the cotton seed meal of the south will ultimately be used for feeding.   [Please select]


I'd sooner you'd smoke these Turkish cigarettes which smell like a fire in the fertilizer factory.   [Please select]


Worst of any, however, were the fertilizer men, and those who served in the cooking rooms.   [Please select]


There is a place that waits for the lowest man--the fertilizer plant.   [Please select]


The fertilizer works of Durham's lay away from the rest of the plant.   [Please select]


Of course Jurgis had made his home a miniature fertilizer mill a minute after entering.   [Please select]


His soaked clothing began to steam, and the horrible stench of fertilizer to fill the room.   [Please select]

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fertilized - fertilizer - fertilizers