The production of the larger household accessories, such as bedsteads, fenders, gas and electric fittings, clocks, &c., has hardly as yet come under the influence of the art movement. [Please select]
It had boxes and broken chairs, old fenders and picture-frames, and rag-bags hanging from nails. [Please select]
Crockery, blankets, candlesticks, carpets, bedsteads, saucepans, and even fenders and fire-irons. [Please select]
The constant flopping caused the fenders to begin to break directly above each wheel. [Please select]
The fenders outlasted many of the motors Now, concerning the drain-your-car-every-cold-night age. [Please select]
"Now put out the fenders, and haul the boat alongside the raft." [Please select]
"Throw a couple of fenders over, Han," instructed Steve, "and stand by with your boat-hook." [Please select]
It skidded, it almost raked them with its rear fenders. [Please select]
Fenders--a couple of cushions, which Frank, in anticipation of this maneuver, had provided--were placed between the two boats to keep them from injuring each other, and the order was given to pull. [Please select]
While she waited for Kennicott in the car, before a farmhouse, the seat burned her fingers and her head ached with the glare on fenders and hood. [Please select]
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