His panther-like physique and tattoos gave him all the appearance of a threat, and yet, he'd fended off her blows with gentleness he didn't have to show. [Please select]
A fatal jealousy seems to be inevitable; it may be fended off, but how. [Please select]
Not once, but again and again in earlier days, he fended danger from me like that. [Please select]
He fended his eyes as best he could against these sledge-hammer blows of justice. [Please select]
Choking with passion, Spike sprang at him, but Soapy fended him off with a long arm. [Please select]
But he fended with his shield that the spear went aside, and they clapped together like thunder, and both horses were overthrown. [Please select]
Ramsay fended her off, and went ashore with a line in his hand, which he made fast to a ring. [Please select]
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