Sentence example with the word 'febrile'


ablaze, breathless, enthusiastic, fevered, frantic, heated, hysteric, insane, overanxious, perfervid, steamy, zealous

Definition adj. of or relating to or characterized by fever

Last update: August 30, 2015


There is lot of febrile activity before elections .   [Please select]


The mother gave her febrile son acetaminophen to bring down his body temperature.   [Please select]


If you get the febrile illness, you will have a fever for several weeks.   [Please select]


If we have been properly understood, typhous diseases are, above all, general febrile affections.   [Please select]


Usually myocarditis results from the preexistence of blood poisoning or of some infectious febrile disease.   [Please select]


What New-Yorker does not know the wakings after the febrile doze that ends such a night.   [Please select]


Max, with upraised arms, swept the perspiration from his brows and eyes; he leant dizzily up against the door which defied him; his mind was working with febrile rapidity.   [Please select]


It was only that he threw into the task of offering liqueurs and passing cigars a something febrile that caused his two companions to watch him quietly.   [Please select]

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