The horse was still smarting from the sharp claws of the invisible bears, and as soon as he was on land and headed toward the mountain the thought that more of those fearsome creatures might be near acted as a spur and sent him galloping along in a way that made Dorothy catch her breath. [Please select]
"That is a fearsome sight," Cnut said, crossing himself. [Please select]
"May is a fearsome treacherous month, Mr." [Please select]
How much of the fearsome stuff do you suppose I took. [Please select]
Fearsome it was there alone in the gloom, but the lady Janet was heedful of nought. [Please select]
I'll--" "The great god Kelly, or the fascinating, fearsome, erring Louis.' [Please select]
Oglethorpe, the most fearsome old woman in New York. [Please select]
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