Definitionn. fine meal made from cereal grain especially wheat
Last update: October 27, 2015
In December 1654 Penn and Venables sailed for the West Indies with orders to attack the Spanish colonies and the French shipping; and for the first time since the Plantagenets an English fleet appeared in the Mediterranean, where Blake upheld the supremacy of the English flag, made a treaty with the dey of Algiers, destroyed the castles and ships of the dey of Tunis at Porto Farina on the 4th of April 1655, and liberated the English prisoners captured by the pirates. [Please select]
The food consists of either rice, carabansas, a kind of bean, or farina, the flour of the cassava boiled. [Please select]
Spratt's captivity, 266--Ransoms by English government, 267--Adventures of captives, 267--Admiral Blake at Porto Farina, 269--False passes, 270--Failure of all remonstrances, 271-3. [Please select]
Mialhi's Tooth Powder--Camphorated Chalk--Quinine Tooth Powder--Prepared Charcoal--Peruvian Bark Powder--Homoeopathic Chalk--Cuttle-Fish Powder--Borax and Myrrh--Farina Piesse's Dentifrice--Rose Tooth Powder--Opiate Paste--Violet Mouth Wash--Eau Botot--Botanic Styptic--Tincture of Myrrh and Borax--Myrrh with Eau de Cologne--Camphorated Eau de Cologne SECTION XVI. [Please select]
There is a large consumption of otto of lemons in the manufacture of Eau de Cologne; that Farina uses it is easily discovered by adding a few drops of Liq. [Please select]
8] nascosto dentro la farina, che finì coll'aver qualche speranza di trovare in lui un po' di ajuto nelle sue miserie. [Please select]
The farina or meal of the nut is generally used; but from its acrimony it should be given in the form of ball, with linseed meal. [Please select]
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