Sentence example with the word 'falsifies'


Last update: June 10, 2015


Four years later, in 1831, the Introduction a l'histoire universelle showed a very different style, exhibiting no doubt the idiosyncrasy and literary power of the writer to greater advantage, but also displaying the peculiar visionary qualities which made Michelet the most stimulating, but the most untrustworthy (not in facts, which he never consciously falsifies, but in suggestion) of all historians.   [Please select]


"The safest investment of the kind in America," said one Chicago paper, unless the circular falsifies; "Considered as a sure success," said a second.   [Please select]


Worse: she falsifies the characters of both Consuelo and Albert,--who is revived again by subterfuge of trance,--and stains her best arrangements by the mixture of falsehood and intrigue.   [Please select]


Any partial view whatever of the world tears the part out of its relations, leaves out some truth concerning it, is untrue of it, falsifies it.   [Please select]


Just so, in a curve, the same direction is _never_ followed, and the conception of it as a myriad-sided polygon falsifies it by supposing it to do so for however short a time.   [Please select]


It has already been mentioned that Confucius glosses over or falsifies both the above cases, and gives the victory in each instance to Tsin.   [Please select]


, raid helps Lincoln's reĆ«lection; Chattanooga; Stanton falsifies Grant's order to; as a general; Grant and; Todd's Tavern; Richmond raid; Cold Harbor; raid; Trevilian; Opequan Creek; "Sheridan's Ride"; in Washington; later operations; Five Forks Sherman, General W.   [Please select]

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falsifiers - falsifies - falsify