Sentence example with the word 'falsifications'


Last update: June 9, 2015


Among other subjects, he wrote on the School of Hierotheus, on Romish falsifications of the Greek Fathers, on Leo XIII., on Liberal Ultramontanism, on the Papal Teaching in regard to Morals, on Vincentius of Lerins and he carried on a controversy with Professor Willibald Beyschlag, of the German Evangelical Church, on the respective merits of Protestantism and Old Catholicism regarded as a basis for teaching the Christian faith.   [Please select]


The falsifications and phantasies of children and adolescents have been dealt with by Stanley Hall.   [Please select]


The story of this girl's falsifications and fabrications as obtained from her people is exceedingly long.   [Please select]


(e) There was frequent experience with the falsifications which were her mother's frailty.   [Please select]


Text books of psychiatry deal with the falsifications of paranoia and other insanities.   [Please select]


They say she then began lying in the minutest detail about people and seemed to believe in her own falsifications.   [Please select]


Even in interviews with us when she was voluntarily acknowledging her shortcomings in this direction she went on in the same breath to further falsifications.   [Please select]

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falsification - falsifications - falsified