Sentence example with the word 'exuviae'


Definition n. cast-off skins or coverings of various organisms during ecdysis

Last update: September 22, 2015


Its throes will heave our exuviae from their graves.   [Please select]


Our thoughts should soar upward with the butterfly,--not linger with the exuviae that confined him.   [Please select]


During the actual moulting the caterpillar is quite active in freeing itself from the exuviae.   [Please select]


Pellicles: the exuviae or cast larval skins of many insects: in Coccidae more especially applied to the hardened larval skin attached to the puparia of Diaspinae.   [Please select]


Scale: a general term to distinguish Coccidae: specifically the puparium of a Diaspid, comprising exuviae and excreted matter: the waxy covering of a male Lecaniid: in Diptera = alula: q.   [Please select]

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