Sentence example with the word 'extravasation'


Definition n. an extravasated liquid

Last update: September 20, 2015


If there be a loss of tissue brought about by severe in j ury to the skin and the deeper tissues, there is usually an extravasation of blood from the severed vessels.   [Please select]


Cysts formed by an outpouring of blood and lymph into the tissue spaces with subsequent encapsulation of the fluid Extravasation cysts.   [Please select]


Extravasation cysts, caused by injuries which rupture blood vessels, followed by an increase of fibrous tissue which forms a capsule about the fluid.   [Please select]


--These swellings are another variety of extravasation cysts, and are caused by such injuries as butting, running against hard objects, and shipping bruises, which are followed by an outpouring of blood and lymph into the tissue spaces.   [Please select]


The heart usually shows patches of blood extravasation on the inside (left ventricle) and less markedly on the outer surface.   [Please select]


The pauper and the vagabond represent a kind of social extravasation; the 'masterless man' who has strayed from his legitimate place or has become a superfluity in his own circle.   [Please select]


There is generally much extravasation of blood locally.   [Please select]

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