In this, and indeed in all extractors used in large sb apiaries, the " Cowan " or re versible frame principle is used. [Please select]
The excess of acids is now extracted by means of hydro-extractors, as at Stowmarket. [Please select]
] Hydro-extractors are a most efficient means for extracting water (p.) [Please select]
Hydro-extractors are described under the head of "Dyeing Machinery". [Please select]
] Hydro-extractors are a most efficient means for extracting water out of textile fabrics. [Please select]
0 In the practical working of hydro-extractors it is of the utmost importance that the goods be carefully and regularly laid in the basket--not too much in one part and too little in another. [Please select]
The actual nitration of cotton is not a dangerous operation, but the operations of wringing in the hydro-extractors, and washing the nitro- cotton after it leaves the first centrifugal machine, are somewhat so. [Please select]
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