Sentence example with the word 'extinguisher'


acid, carbon tet, carbon-dioxide foam, deluge set, fire engine, fire hydrant, foam, hook-and-ladder, pumper, soda, sprinkler head, super-pumper, water cannon

Definition n. a manually operated device for extinguishing small fires

Last update: August 28, 2015


The clerk was holding an extinguisher, shaking and cursing it.   [Please select]


A tin-plate cover which fits easily over the whole lamp serves as an extinguisher.   [Please select]


He wore a hat which reminded Charlie and Fred of a candle-extinguisher.   [Please select]


It is used also as a fire extinguisher on board vessels.   [Please select]


Without masters, without guides, often without books, in spite of poverty, that terrible extinguisher, I went ahead, persisted, facing my difficulties, until the indomitable bump ended by shedding its scanty contents.   [Please select]


"There's your bag," cried the dwarf, clapping it over the miser's head like an extinguisher; "it's clean enough for a nightcap."   [Please select]

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extinguished - extinguisher - extinguishers