Sentence example with the word 'expertise'


ability, artisanship, connoisseurship, deep knowledge, epicurism, friandise, intelligence, mastery, profound knowledge, self-knowledge, technical skill

Definition n. skillfulness by virtue of possessing special knowledge

Last update: June 20, 2015


My special area of expertise is in area-wide and local control, especially of mosquitoes but also of other arthropod vectors.   [noun]


Photo artistry aside, this is where experience and my expertise as a climber places me in a unique position.   [noun]


"Deidre, I'm offering my expertise to assist you," Andre said.   [Please select]


The Fish and Wildlife Service assisted in the planning and fund-raising for the overall project, and provided the technical expertise in the live-trapping, radio-tagging and radio-tracking of the wolves.   [Please select]


I am fighting down every possible avenue of expertise on the building in the effort to save money to make the brook run and the road wind where you have indicated that you want them to follow you.   [Please select]

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experted - expertise - expertize