Sentence example with the word 'exculpate'


absolve, clear, destigmatize, do justice to, exonerate, give absolution, grant remission, nonpros, rationalize, remit, spare, withdraw the charge

Definition v. pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

Last update: October 29, 2015


The latter, however, is their present aim, and some attempt appears to have been made in them to exculpate one whose accession finds a Judaean parallel in Jehoram (2 Chron.   [verb]


The change of plan explains, although it may not exculpate, the formlessness and loose construction of the work, its extremes of realistic detail and poetic allegory.   [verb]


She had felt that she must exculpate herself, even though in so doing she should betray her sister.   [verb]


Morton, 'to make the experiment whether he may not be brought to communicate to me some circumstances which may hereafter be useful to alleviate, if not to exculpate, his conduct.'   [verb]


His friend, Lieutenant Jinker, bent his eloquence only to exculpate his favourite mare from any share in contributing to the catastrophe.   [verb]


Edward easily exculpated the Chieftain, who, indeed, at his own personal risk, had probably saved his life.   [verb]


I am here neither to exculpate myself nor to blame others.   [verb]


Nor is it easy to exculpate him on the highest principles of moral integrity.   [Please select]


Would he have exculpated him in the sequel when the accusation was renewed.   [Please select]


He would have gone on to exculpate himself, but Mr.   [Please select]


How far Elizabeth can be exculpated on the principle of self-defence cannot well be ascertained.   [Please select]

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excruciation - exculpate - exculpated