Working in groups of three, the miners used small blasts of dynamite to excavate a channel down to the entombed men. [verb]
Alternatively, explosions create cavities, for example, as bombs excavate bomb craters. [verb]
Of all these writers, the one who probably then excavated in the masses the most unhealthy gallery was Restif de La Bretonne. [verb]
Here and there, particularly beneath the Court-House, they thought they recognized the hollows of ancient dungeons, excavated in the very sewer itself. [verb]
ASI excavated a buried town in Brindavan. [verb]
The catacombs of Rome are excavated in lava, and Tuscany contains strong evidences of volcanic action. [noun]
There was a void in his memory, a black spot, an abyss excavated by four months of agony. [verb]
For a few yards the centre of the building seems to have never been excavated, as to which you will convince yourself. [adverb]
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