Sentence example with the word 'evolutionist'


Definition n. a person who believes in organic evolution

Last update: August 12, 2015


Erasmus Darwin (Zoonomia, 17 94), though a zealous evolutionist, can hardly be said to have made any real advance on his predecessors; and, notwithstanding the fact that Goethe had the advantage of a wide knowledge of morphological facts, and a true insight into their signification, while he threw all the power of a great poet into the expression of his conceptions, it may be questioned whether he supplied the doctrine of evolution with a firmer scientific basis than it already possessed.   [Please select]


Physician and Evolutionist, paper in The Eclectic, Vol.   [Please select]


Believer or unbeliever, rationalist, evolutionist, he was still the same to them.   [Please select]


It is very important to specify that the theory is like a tool: it does not support and also does not reject the evolutionist theory.   [Please select]


During the days and nights he stayed with me, he got into my trunk of books, for he is a great reader; and--as he told me before leaving--a believer in the New Science, an evolutionist.   [Please select]

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