Sentence example with the word 'evanescence'


Definition n. the event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight

Last update: July 23, 2015


If we take a direction such that the light (of given wave-length) from a single aperture vanishes, the evanescence continues even when the whole series of apertures is brought into contemplation.   [Please select]


Is all great gladness haunted by this apprehension of evanescence.   [Please select]


He was born to behold the self-evolving power of spirit, endless generator of new ends; a power which is the key at once to the centrality and the evanescence of things.   [Please select]


And there was quite enough of opposition and vilification and coarse abuse of him to clear it of any suspicion of cheapness or evanescence.   [Please select]

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evaluations - evanescence - evanescent