Sentence example with the word 'evacuations'


Last update: August 28, 2015


He watched as Mansr expertly organized the evacuations and aligned the space battle to keep the Yirkins' attention off the ships fleeing the planet's surface for the nearest moon, Kiera.   [Please select]


The evacuations from the bowels are dry and hard.   [Please select]


They likewise administered emollient clysters if the evacuations were bloody.   [Please select]


Appearance--Eyes very dull; drowsy; nose hard, dry, with thick mucous effusion; evacuations very offensive.   [Please select]


In the second period of the distemper, the same drinks were continued, adding thereto some theriac or Jesuit's bark, in order to lessen the frequency of the diarrhoetic evacuations.   [Please select]


This purgation, moreover, will correspond with the theory of those authors who consider the evacuations as the proper means of delivering the economy from the infectious miasms which have been absorbed.   [Please select]

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evacuation - evacuations - evade