Sentence example with the word 'euphemistically'


Definition adv. in a euphemistic manner

Last update: September 14, 2015


Euphemistically they are addressed as mubarakin, " blessed ones," as we say "the good folk" or "the people of peace."   [Please select]


Jane was red haired, and her nose was what is euphemistically called _retrousse_.   [Please select]


To be plain, I had endured what is euphemistically called "disappointment" already; and, not being a complete coxcomb, I had no intention of courting a second.   [Please select]


In growing meekness Babbitt went on waiting till Hanson casually reappeared with a quart of gin--what is euphemistically known as a quart--in his disdainful long white hands.   [Please select]

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euphemistic - euphemistically - euphemize