As she shut the drawer, the envelopes on the top of the desk caught her attention. [Please select]
There lay with them a number of letters, all in their envelopes. [Please select]
He went away with all the old envelopes in his pockets covered with memoranda. [Please select]
He accounts in that way for them not calling after their pay envelopes. [Please select]
It was a little writing-case fitted with paper and envelopes and pens and ink. [Please select]
He would pull out letters, and quickly take them from their envelopes. [Please select]
They really ought to send bills in blank envelopes. [Please select]
Yesterday I spent in the newspaper offices gathering material from their envelopes on Winston Churchill, M. [Please select]
After breakfast we scraped almost the last of the tablecloths into lint, and Molly made envelopes, and Daddy Ben and I talked about shoes and how we could make them at home. [Please select]
After that it was no unusual thing to see large packages of carefully stamped envelopes going to sea in the ships that came for the mail. [Please select]
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