Sentence example with the word 'enthronement'


Definition n. the ceremony of installing a new monarch

Last update: August 24, 2015


He had favoured the enthronement of his old companion in arms Leo the Armenian (813), but, detected in a conspiracy against that emperor, had been sentenced to death in December 820; his partisans, however, succeeded in assassinating Leo and called Michael from the prison to the throne.   [Please select]


There appeared to be a plot within a plot which had for its end the enthronement of Mary in Elizabeth's stead.   [Please select]


The ultimate purpose of Mary's visit, Elizabeth's counsellors firmly believed to be the dethronement of the English queen and the enthronement of her Scottish cousin.   [Please select]


But a protest against his enthronement came from the other son of Chu Yüan-chang, who as king in Peking had hoped to become emperor.   [Please select]


We three--Corny, Rectus and I--were agreed that the re-enthronement--we could think of no better word for the business--should be done as quietly and peacefully as possible.   [Please select]


But with his enthronement as the sovereign of Tim's universe there came to Van a very disquieting experience.   [Please select]

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