Sentence example with the word 'ensheathes'


Last update: October 19, 2015


At the base of the third digit the tendon ensheathes that of the _m.   [Please select]


In such cases, owing to the dense covering of fascia which ensheathes the muscular covering pus is liable to be imprisoned, and, burrowing downward, saturate the whole structure, not only endangering the limb, but, by absorption, may set up blood poisoning and seriously interfere with the general health of the patient, even to causing death.   [Please select]


The base of the large, tubular labium, or beak, which ensheathes the mandibles and maxillæ, is opposite the end of the clypeus or front edge of the upper side of the head, and at a distance beyond the mouth equal to the breadth of the labium itself.   [Please select]

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ensheathed - ensheathes - enshrine