Sentence example with the word 'enlistment'


acceptance, cajolery, conscription, entry, indexing, instatement, logging, preachment, register, soft soap, term

Definition n. a period of time spent in military service

Last update: July 29, 2015


The French colonial (formerly marine) infantry, recruited by voluntary enlistment, comprises 18 regiments and 5 independent battalions (of which 12 regiments are at home), 74 batteries of field, fortress and mountain artillery (of which 32 are at home), with a few cavalry and engineers, &c., and other services in proportion.   [Please select]


Lied about enlistment, about prize-money and leave, about those cartridges.   [Please select]


"Memorial from Shipowners of Liverpool on Foreign Enlistment Act."   [Please select]


"Correspondence respecting the Enlistment of British seamen at Queenstown."   [Please select]


"Correspondence respecting the Enlistment of British subjects in the United States Army."   [Please select]


23 _et seq_, 35; effect of American political ideals on, 23, 24, 25, 26 British Foreign Enlistment Act, ii.   [Please select]


26, 36; fears commercial influence on policy, 26; _See also_ Mediation _infra_ Irish emigrants: enlistment of, ii.   [Please select]

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