Sentence example with the word 'enhancement'


accelerando, ascent, burlesque, dilatation, exaggeration, headway, inordinacy, overkill, provocation, sharpening, travesty

Definition n. an improvement that makes something more agreeable

Last update: August 11, 2015


Nowadays companies spend lot of money on modifications and enhancement of their.   [Please select]


In 1902, owing to the serious depreciation of the value of silver, the Siamese mint was closed to free coinage, and an arrangement was made providing for the gradual enhancement of the value of the tical until a suitable value should be attained at which it might be fired.: This measure was successful, the value of the tical having thereby been increased from 'Id.   [Please select]


To this explanation all the other facts of life-enhancement, etc.   [Please select]


It was a comfort to him in all his vexations, an enhancement of all his joys.   [Please select]


The diffusion of stimulation, the equilibrium of impulses, life- enhancement through repose.   [Please select]


In other words, the very reason was regarded as an activity of the self, and its fruits were valued for their enhancement of the welfare of the self.   [Please select]


Strange thoughtlessness, is it not, which allows mothers capable of such passionate devotion, tiny, defenseless things, to be slaughtered by the million for the enhancement of woman's charms.   [Please select]

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enhanced - enhancement - enhancements